The latest song trending all over TikTok is actually old, but many want to know what the song means, and why it's called "Car Dragon."
As it has emerged as one of the dominant players in the world of social media, TikTok has also occasionally revitalized older music and repurposed it in sometimes surprising ways. Fleetwood Mac's song "Dreams" was an early viral sensation, even though the song is decades old. Now, TikTok users are flocking to a new song that they're calling "Car Dragon," but the song isn't really new at all.
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What is the "Car Dragon" song on TikTok?
The latest song trending on TikTok is by Soulja Boy, and it's called "Report Card" or "Yahhh!" The song has now been renamed "Car Dragon" on the platform for reasons that remain somewhat unclear. The first video to feature the song was uploaded in early February of 2022, and it features the user's dog opening and closing his mouth in time with the lyrics of the song.
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That video has garnered more than 4 million views, but it's spawned a challenge where users film themselves before and after they look up the phrase "car dragon." In the after videos, the users usually look horrified, but it's still unclear exactly what they're reacting to. If you look up the term yourself, you'll see that you mostly get images of cars and dragons, although you do get the occasional image combining the two in a sexual way that is definitely disturbing.
Ultimately, though, the trend seems to exist largely for its own sake, and there doesn't seem to be any larger meaning behind it. People are filming reaction videos as if there is something truly insane that comes with a search for the term but that doesn't seem to be a case. Instead, the trend is self-perpetuating almost because it's an elaborate prank.
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"Report Card" is just one part of the trend.
Soulja Boy's song is the soundtrack to all of these videos, although it's unclear how the song and the trend are actually related. It seems like someone started the trend using the song, and most other users just chose to follow suit. TikTok can be great for launching new artists, but it can also be a place to rediscover a song that you used to love in a totally new context.
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The "Car Dragon" trend is totally random.
Like many of the trends to spread across TikTok in recent days, including a brownie recipe which gets posted in comments for no reason at all, the "Car Dragon" trend is totally random. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason behind the phrase or the reactions that people have filmed as a result. Instead, it seems to be a trend that only exists to be a trend.
These trends have become increasingly popular on TikTok in recent weeks, and while some users may want trends to have a deeper meaning, others are clearly enjoying just messing around on the platform. If you like a good mess around, then the "Car Dragon" trend is probably for you.