Naomi Campbell Pleads Guilty to Air Rage Assault

Posted by Trudie Dory on Thursday, June 13, 2024

Rageaholic Naomi Campbell got off with a pretty lenient sentence for her latest criminal-level temper tantrum. The Daily Mail has a super detailed rundown of exactly what happened when she freaked out on a flight and attacked the crew and police officers in April. She really sounds more like a rabid animal than a person. I cannot even begin to imagine what is wrong with her – but it sounds like more than just a crazy entitlement complex. She’s definitely certifiably batshit insane.

Naomi Campbell was sentenced to 200 hours community service and fined $4,500 on Friday after her guilty plea in court, where she admitted to assaulting two police officers in London’s Heathrow airport this April, PEOPLE has confirmed.

The supermodel, 38, admitted guilt to four of the six charges she was facing – two counts of assaulting a police officer; one of using threatening, abusive words or behavior to cabin crew; and one of using insulting, abusive, threatening behavior or disorderly conduct likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

The Crown Prosecution Service has decided not to pursue the other two charges.

“Ms. Campbell was aggressive, hostile and violent to people who were simply trying to do their jobs,” C.P.S. director Nazir Afzal said in a statement. “Her behavior fell far short of what is acceptable.”

The magistrate told Campbell that her behavior aboard the British Airways plane was “reckless.”

[From People]

Several police reps criticized Campbell’s lenient sentence and said she should at least serve some jail time for assaulting two police officers. It seems to me that the court should also have considered her long history of assaulting innocent people during her fits of rage. What’s most odd to me is that these things always seem to happen over relatively minor problems: accusing her assistant of stealing a pair of jeans, a lost bag, etc. Clearly something is seriously, seriously wrong with the woman – and she’s a danger to others. At the very least, she should be ordered to undergo psychological counseling.

Here’s Naomi arriving at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court for her court appearance today. Doesn’t she look lovely? Images thanks to WENN.
