How to reunite Korok friends in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Posted by Zora Stowers on Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom can surprise you with the numerous discoveries and quirky characters during exploration. It is, therefore, ideal to take a break from pursuing quests and explore Hyrule at your own pace. You will come across some adorable characters known as Korok during the early stages of The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Your task is to reunite them to earn a reward known as Korok Seeds.

You will encounter two pairs of Korok friends, one during your journey to the In-isa Shrine and the second in the southern section of Great Sky Island. This guide will cover reuniting both pairs in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom guide: Reuniting the Korok friends

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom consists of many shrines, and the game's early hours will get you accustomed to some of them. You will come across Koroks during this journey, and it is worth noting that you will need Link’s Ultrahand ability to assist them.

The Korok you encounter on your way to In-isa Shrine has a huge backpack with him and points you toward his friend, who is located on a separate piece of land denoted by the erupting smoke.

You must help the Korok reach that location by creating a minecart/raft-like structure. Fortunately, all materials are in the vicinity, and you must leverage Link’s Ultrahand ability to craft the required minecart/raft.

Create a raft-like structure and attach a hook (Image via Nintendo)

Use the following steps to create the raft and transport the Korok to his friend:

  • Use Ultrahand to combine at least three logs to create the base of the minecart/raft.
  • Use one of the large hooks in the area and place it (using Ultrahand) at the center of the raft. You can even use two hooks if you wish to.
  • Proceed to use Ultrahand on the Korok and place him on the raft.
  • Then you must pick the whole raft and position it on the rails at the edge of the area to initiate the transportation.
  • Upon reaching the opposite end, you need to resort to Ultrahand one more time to pick up and place the Korok beside his friend near a tent.
  • Upon completing this mini-quest, you will receive Korok Seeds, which are crucial to increasing your inventory space in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. You can then proceed to aid the second pair of Koroks found in the southern region.

    However, helping them is much easier as a minecart is already in the vicinity. All you need to do is attach one fan Zonai Device to the back of the minecart and then use Ultrahand to place the Korok in it. Simply hit the fan with any of your weapons in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom to set the minecart in motion.

    You must attach a fan and place the Korok in this minecart (Image via Nintendo)

    If you don’t find any fans in the area, feel free to obtain one from the Zonai Device Dispensers found in various spots in the game world. You will obtain more Korok Seeds after reuniting them.

    The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom expands upon its previous title and introduces a few new abilities for you to experiment with, like the Recall ability. You have complete freedom to explore, solve puzzles and engage in combat in your own way by creatively leveraging the gameplay mechanics.

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