How to kill Matthaus Ehrlich and obtain a Machine Pistol 44

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sniper Elite 5’s fourth mission is one of the most challenging quests in the title’s playlist. Fans have been having a fair few issues completing the mission and getting their hands on the highly-coveted Machine Pistol 44.

The fourth mission, called the War Factory Kill challenge, will see players make their way to a factory to take out Matthaus Ehrlich. The mission poses quite a challenge, as players will not be able to complete it by killing Matthaus using conventional methods.

They will need to kill the target with the use of a Rat Bomb, making it one of the most difficult missions in the game.

Today’s guide will go over how players will be able to find Matthaus Ehrlich in Sniper Elite 5’s War Factory Kill challenge and take him out in the easiest way possible.

Completing the War Factory Kill challenge in Sniper Elite 5

Locating Matthaus can be a bit tricky. Players will be able to find him after moving to the southeast of the map as soon as the mission begins. Players must locate a small building there near the corner of the area, where they will encounter the target

As mentioned previously, the primary challenge of the mission is not just to locate the target and kill him by any means necessary. The condition of eliminating the target using a Rat Bomb must be met for the mission to be considered a success.

Here's a step-by-step guide on the process:

  • First, players must make their way to the dresser that is located near the exit of the Resistance HQ. It is here that they will be able to acquire the Rat Bomb. Since Marie will keep reminding the player to pick the weapon up, it’s unlikely that fans will undertake the mission without collecting it.
  • After collecting the bomb, players will then need to locate Matthaus in the southeastern section of the map. He will be located in the main room, which is present just before a set of smaller rooms.
  • After he leaves the room, players will then need to place the Rat Bomb on any of the dead rats that are scattered all throughout the floor of the room. They will then be required to wait patiently until Matthaus returns.
  • Matthaus will be talking to a soldier once he exits the room. However, once the conversation is done, he will return and trip the Rat Bomb, leading to a massive explosion that will eliminate him instantly.
  • Killing the target with any other method will fail the challenge, and players will have to repeat the War Factory Kill challenge all over again.

Upon completing the War Factory Kill challenge successfully, Sniper Elite 5 players will be rewarded with the Machine Pistol 44 for their efforts.

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