Five Ways Little Mix Songs Have Inspired, Motivated And Changed People's Lives: A Must Read

Posted by Valeria Galgano on Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Little Mix are known for their wonderful empowerment songs (in fact, we made a four numbered list in regards to Little Mix’s most iconic empowerment songs – click here to check them out) and in depth lyricism. And for that reason, we’ve come up with five ways Little Mix songs have inspired, motivated and changed people’s lives, LITERALLY.

1) Their recent single ‘Secret Love Song’ has helped people come out.

While in an interview with Capital FM, the ladies explained how the song is universally relatable and how it’s allowed people to be proud of who they are. Little Mix member Leigh-Anne added, “we’ve had loads of people saying it’s helped them almost to come out, say that they’re gay and that is an incredible thing. It’s so inspiring when we hear these stories with the music we’re bringing out”.

2) ‘Wings’ has been embraced by the gay community and even performed by Drag Queens!

We mentioned in an article awhile back (click here) about ‘Wings’ identifying as a girl power and gay anthem because of the lyrics which include “Don’t let what they say keep you up at night”/”Your words don’t mean a thing, I’m not listening”/”No matter what you say it won’t hurt me”. In regards to bullying, it’s seen as a super motivational song to both respective parties and such a generally relatable song for many.

3) Touching fans recognize their awareness of spreading confidence

Yes! In fact, we ran across a sweet post made by an online blogger ( who talks about how Little Mix (and Fifth Harmony) gives her more confidence. Here’s just some of what she had to say:

“If you watch just one performance from these four English powerhouses, you will practically be able to sense the confidence exuding from every note they sing, and whenever I need to feel more confident in myself, I listen to their music”.

4) Iranian woman used Little Mix’s song ‘Salute’ in defiance of the mullahs.

Iranian law says women can’t dance or be seen without a veil in public, but this woman showed that freedom and empowerment is much more important.

Dancing on a Tehran subway, this brave lady displayed an outmost amount of courage and confidence. The addition of playing Little Mix’s song Salute really goes to show how music really does transcend through any culture. Women do need to stand together and the songs message has readily prevailed.

5) Spice Girls member Mel B inspired by Little Mix’s voice to continue girl power movement!

In part of a Larry King interview, Mel B talked about how there are girl groups (who continued) and are continuing the movement the Spice Girls initiated long ago.

Mel B detailed, “from Destiny’s child to Bananarama to Little Mix there are so many groups out there right now that are still representing that girl power flag, I feel”. You can watch the whole interview by clicking here!

Five Ways Little Mix Songs Have Inspired, Motivated And Changed People's Lives - A Must Read 1

While we’re sure there are a million other reasons Little Mix have inspired, we’ll leave it at here for now! But overall it’s great to see all the overseas impact.

You truly are an inspirational bunch – we love you girls!

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