Five Things You Didnt Know about Jessica Capshaw

Posted by Valeria Galgano on Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Jessica Capshaw

Jessica Capshaw is the glorious Dr. Arizona Robbins on the wildly popular Grey’s Anatomy. She’s also a million other things, but most of us don’t take the time to get to know her in that light. We watch her every Thursday, as we have for so many seasons now, and we think of her as an amazing pediatric surgeon who keeps Karev on his toes and who is not afraid to take a child and save his or her life using whatever methods it takes. We know her as the woman who raised another man’s baby. We know her as the woman who lost her leg in a terrible plane crash. We know her as Dr. Torres’ wife turned ex turned back together again turned who even knows what most days.

We know her as someone we all love, and someone we could be friends with in real life. However, we know very little about Jessica Capshaw the actress, the mom, the woman. I think it’s about time to get to know her, don’t you?

Her stepdad is a little famous

Maybe you’ve heard of a man by the name of Steven Spielberg? Yeah, that’s him; the guy who makes all those great movies. It turns out, he’s Jessica Capshaw’s stepfather. He’s married to her mother, obviously, who happens to be a very famous director herself. She goes by the name Kate Capshaw.

She’s smart

Not that many people get to say that they graduated from college at Brown, but Jessica Capshaw did. She graduated from Brown University in 1998 and then went on to attend acting classes in London after that. She loved her time in college and has never regretted her decision to attend.

She’s got four kids

What I like about Jessica Capshaw is that she and I have this in common; we have four kids. She married her husband in 2004 (I married mine in 2005) and they had four kids. She had her first in 2007 and her last in May 2016. Also like me, she has three girls and a boy. Her boy is her oldest. Mine is my youngest (by five minutes thanks to his twin sister).

She’s a southern girl

Jessica Capshaw doesn’t have much of an accent, but she’s a true southern girl all the way. She was born and raised in Missouri. She knows everything there is to know about southern hospitality and all that goes along with that.

She was only hired for 3 episodes of Grey’s

During season five, Shonda Rimes did some serious changing within the cast of this amazing series. One of those changes was introducing Dr. Robbins. She was scheduled to appear in only three episodes, but there was so much chemistry between her and the rest of the cast, and such a positive feedback from the fans of the show, that Rimes decided she was keeping her around for the long haul. I’d say it worked out and everyone can be happy about that one.

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